Läksin metsast luuda tooma,
tinaluuda teerajalta,
vaskiluuda vainu'ulta,
õbeluuda õue alta,
kuldaluuda koppelista,
al´last luuda einamaalta.
Sain sinna Sulevi mäele,
sain sinna Kalevi mäele.
Siäl seisis Sulevipoega,
sääl seisis kangemat Kalevipoega,
küsis multa suisa suuda,
suisa suuda, kiusta kätte.
Mul oli nuga teräva,
alla hõlma al´las mõõka.
Suisa lõin Sulevipoega,
kiuste lõin kangemat Kalevipoega,
lõin läbi ta ihu ilusa,
lõin läbi ta paleda punase,
lõin läbi ta al´li uue kuue,
lõin läbi ta paleda punase.
Isi nuttes kojuje.
Eite vasta, eite-taati.
Eite vastas el´litelles,
taati targula sõnula:
“Mis sina nutad, tütär noori?”
“Läksin metsä kõndimaie,
tinaluuda teerajalta,
vaskiluuda vainu'ulta,
kuldaluuda koppelista,
õbeluuda hõue halta,
al´last luuda einamaalta.
Sain sinna ju Sulevi mäele,
sääl seisis Sulevipoega,
sääl seisis kal´limat Kalevipoega,
küsis multa suisa suuda,
suisa suuda, kiusta kätte.
Mul oli nuga terava,
Alla hõlma al´las mõõka.
Lõin läbi ta ihu ilusa,
lõin läbi ta paleda punase,
lõin läbi ta halli huue kuue,
lõin läbi ta ruugete juukste.”
Eite vastas, taati vastas:
“Ole terve, tütrekene,
oma au kaitsemasta,
suurta koera surmamasta!”
I went to get a broom from the forest,
a tin broom from the pathway,
a copper broom from the green,
a silver broom from behind the yard,
a golden broom from the copse,
a verdant broom from the meadows.
When I got to that hill of Sulev,
when I reached that hill of Kalev,
there stood the son of Sulev,
there stood a stronger son of Kalev,
he begged from me just a kiss,
just a kiss, my hand just out of spite.
I had a knife so sharp,
under my lapels I had a verdant sword.
I just hit the son of Sulev,
out of spite, I hit the stronger son of Kalev,
I pierced his flesh so fair,
I pierced his continence so ruddy,
I pierced his new grey cloak,
I pierced his continence so ruddy.
Then I ran home crying.
Mother came toward me, mother and father,
mother answered gently,
father [asked] with wise words:
“Why are you crying, daughter, our young one?”
“I went to get a broom from the forest,
a tin broom from the pathway,
a copper broom from the green,
a golden broom from the copse,
a silver broom from behind the yard,
a verdant broom from the meadows.
When I got to that hill of Sulev,
there stood the son of Sulev,
there stood a stronger son of Kalev,
he begged from me just a kiss,
just a kiss, my hand just out of spite.
I had a knife so sharp,
under my lapels I had a verdant sword.
I pierced his flesh so fair,
I pierced his continence so ruddy,
I pierced his new grey cloak,
I pierced his flaming red hair.”
Mother replied, father replied:
“Good for you, dear daughter,
for protecting your honour,
for slaying the great dog!”
ERA, Pl. 29 A1 < Kolga-Jaani khk., Võisiku v., Odiste k. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1936. a. < Juuli Ott, 67-a.
[LP VI 4; CD2-26]. Viidang 1997, 40–41.